As a young seaman at the end of World War II, Owen Hardage had an unusual, if brief, encounter with an important personage. Here is Owen’s previously unpublished story, as ghostwritten by his wife Jeanette. (The story has been edited from the original for length). …
Read MoreIn Love With the Sea
Owen Hardage started going to sea when he was just a young boy, making his first trip across the Pacific Ocean at the age of eight in 1934. As a young man, he served in the Navy during World War II, then later made a …
Read MoreSailing Through Life
Jeanette Hardage found inspiration in the writing of Billy Collins, U.S. Poet Laureate from 2001-2003, to the point that she incorporated some of her favorite phrases from his book Sailing Alone Around the Room into a poem of her own. She called this a “silly” …
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